Friday, October 25, 2013

It's not all about the naps.....

Non-scale story.......

At the gym I had a, not really awkward, but odd conversation.

Guy: Hops on the treadmill beside me, watches me.
Me: Creeper detector registering some activity

Guy: "So your one of those stay at home moms aren't you?"  
Me: Not even turning off my SOA, sarcastically nods in a nice enough way to not look like a B but just enough to say I don't want to continue this.

Guy:  "That's cool, but what do you do all day?  Why don't you just get a job?"
Me:  In my mind --> "Really dude?  Why are you not at work?"
People pleasing me: "My husband works and I have 3 kids to take care of"

Guy: "Ya, but there's lots of moms that work with 3 kids or more"
Me: "Yep"  that was all just "Yep"  How does he know they aren't in the child care area?   They aren't but he doesn't know that.  Or crap maybe he did.  Uhhh.

Guy: " Well ,no offense." and he hopped off and walked away...presumably to make other friends.
Me:  Missed the entire rest of my SOA episode because I was too busy thinking of all the things I should have said.  BTW I have been walking this entire time on the treadmill...

I'm such a people pleaser.  So instead of setting him straight, I let him think I just did nothing all day.

What I really wanted to say to you guy was..............

Well I do stay home yes, I do have 3 hours each morning since August to come work out when normally working moms "should" be at a job, while the kids are all in school.

I also have 3 children.  One of which includes a Miss Olivia aka Miss Attitude with Mom on most days.

She was born with an Unbalanced Translocation of Trisomy3q2 and Monosomy9p-.  
In short --> 3 #3 chromos and 1 1/2 #9 chromos got together and decided 1 of the #3's should fuse with the 1/2 #9 in order to make sure she was compatible with life.  It worked!

Now its not like she hasn't been in day care before but when she was she was super little.  Little enough that wearing diapers wasn't that big of a deal for day care workers to work with.  (side note, one day at 3 years old she came home with a black eye)

She is now 14.  She has a neurogenic bladder and bowels.  Here is some more info...  So she can't control her voiding.  This is a direct result of one of two (or both) things, her tethered spinal cord which was repaired and the mis-firing of messages sent to her brain (non-functioning corpus collasum) Here's more info on that.  She can function as much as she can because, in her magnificent way, created new pathways to send messages to allow her to do what she can do.  Flipping amazing how the body works but sometimes there are limits.

She can not be left alone for more than 10 min.  She does have scattered abilities but by comparison, both Ethan and Mauryn took better care of themselves at 2 years old than she can right now.

She is nonverbal, as in maybe 5 words that are really recognizable.  She uses an IPAD touch screen talker but its not full time.  We understand her and know how to take care of her.  She has a hard time dressing herself.  No buttons, zippers, snaps, etc.  She can not tie her shoes.

She has seizures.  Not any big ones for awhile though, thank goodness.  The neuro doc did say when she seems to zone out she maybe be having them frequently throughout the day.  She has swallowing issues.  She does not have the usual hunger/full responses.  She will eat till the point of puking or constipation (if you let her) on the flip side she wont voluntarily ask to eat.

Now I did go to nursing school to become a LPN, but the pay for that and the pay for before/after school care for her (which would have to be a CNA level--for the changing etc.) and Ethan and Mauryn does not equal an income.  It equals a negative.  

So you see guy, I did not want to weigh you down with this lengthy response because it would only make you feel bad.  I would rather keep it to myself, make sure I'm the one in the not so bright light, and not share my daughters every "cant" in fear it puts her in a negative light.  I've heard the "Why would you let her live like that?"  the she's a "Freak of Nature" the "God must really hate her"  and you know what Im not that mad about it.  It's simply an un-education of her situation. EXCEPT the "Freak of Nature" lady---she was a NICU nurse!!!  I will say she qualifies as a turd.  ;)
I highly doubt he would have said any of the above at all but its really too long, too emotional, too nunyabusiness to actually say it him and wait for a response.

Is it mean I didn't give him a chance?  Maybe but I'd rather just put my headphones back on at watch my Sons.........
Keeping It Simple success.  

Waahhhhh....Cry baby rant complete.  Feels good to get it out.  Now to go make sure my wine glass is ready for tonight ;)

Here is Olivia for you --->  
"Heck ya, I just rolled a bowling ball.  Didn't hit anything but I rock so it matters not"
LOL--I realize the rant is overboard but its a rant, theres not rules to a rant.

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