Friday, June 20, 2014

Ta da! I'm back at it.

I am so "Consistently Inconsistent" 

It's really aggravating.  I have about a million ideas & well-meaning plans but often when I start them, another idea forces itself in and the original falls out.  So onto the next.  I've got the worst short-term memory--that I come by honestly ;)

This is me...

I am Dug.  

Of course it irritates my husband to no end :). As he is an electrical engineer......for anyone married to one no further explanation needed right?  For anyone else--he's the complete opposite.  Very by the book, very schedule dependent is he.  Things have to be in the exact same spot every single day.  Even crazier he expects his clothes to be in his dresser rather than between 12 baskets spread about the house ALL THE TIME!  Enough about that ;)  

So in an effort to organize my mind tornado I'm going to initiate a rotating habit program.

Here's where I shine....the planning.  I can plan like no other but executing said plan ends up in fiery crashes every time.  But what about a plan about how to make following the plan the actual plan?  

I've also changed career ideas.  I'm getting my own at-home business up and running to launch January 2015.
I only have one investor and he's very skeptical of my follow-though ability so for the next 6 months I am going to develop myself into the person I know am.  The one that just doesn't make it too far outside my thought process.

My program.....Make 1 habit, Break 1 habit.
(lightly using my nursing education & basing it on Maslows Hierarchy of Needs)

Days 1-21
(Since it takes 21 days to create a habit, or so it's been said)

(Bedtime = 9:30pm-5:30am)

In addition to this I'm also developing a plan to lose weight while still eating clean, real food.
I'll save that for another day :). I'll get too excited and not sleep!

Monday, March 3, 2014

20 things to give up for Lent

So I've seen this going around on Facebook right in time for Lent.
A great life plan to continue after Lent.

The website for Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd

I made a printable to be able to see these all throughout Lent.

You can't right click and save as your background :) 

My 40 day Quest....

This week is Ash Wednesday which means Lent is starting.

Lent being the observance of the 40 days Jesus fasted in the desert 
and had to endure that jerk devil's taunting.
It also ends with the Holy week in which Jesus died on the cross, was buried, and rose again Easter morning.

So you know the best part of the Bible.  
The part where you see what Christ did for you so you
could share in the awesomeness of heaven.

Pretty sure there is no one else that would go through all this.  It's sad we need reminders of it but we do.
So I am making this year count.  
Not like the others haven't but this year I'm going to marvel in it.  

Take in the LOVE that was given to me and 
turn it into a projection from me.

This year for Lent I wanted to really make it count.  I wanted to really give up something that is hard to do.

It's a 2-part 40 day "Quest"
A quest to build a better me.
My 2 parts actual compliment eachother and hopefully
they'll last as a lifestyle change :)

Part 1:   
All the "internets".  Email, Facebook, Pinterest, 
and everything else in the black hole of time-sucking hours that I allow myself
to jump into everyday.

I am going to limit to checking all those to only 1 hour.  
Oh wow, that's going to hurt.

In place of it I am going to start reading, like from an actual book.
I love to read and haven't in soooo long.
1 book being the Bible.  Not sure what I want to read for the others.

Part 2:
Clean eating 100%  Monday through Saturday.

You get Sunday off so this is going to be my challenge to do it and KEEP doing it.
A lifestyle change.

Today and tomorrow are serious planning days haha.  I better go prepare.....

Monday, February 17, 2014

Jack Bauer Power Hour

So in anticipation of the new series 24 Live Another Day, 
my husband got me all 8 seasons of the first series 24.
He is so awesome.

I am now going to turn it into the Jack Bauer Power Hour (my sister's awesome name for it)

1 hour treadmill workout:
5 minute warm up stretch
40 minute treadmill workout (during show)
(3 mph @ varying inclines)
5 minute cool down stretch
10 minute Yoga poses 

Another part of this is my eating plan.

I have been slowly--like painfully slow in--learning the clean eating way to go about this.

I also have this issue with organization.

So to hit 2 birds with 1 stone I spent 3 hours yesterday (Sunday)
planning and organizing every single meal for this week.

This is what I came up with (w/ links to calculations)

Starting weight: 250
Starting BMI:  44.3
Goal weight: 120
Goal BMI: 18.5-24.9

For a weight loss of 130 lbs
-3 lbs per week
45  weeks

Resting caloric intake: 2416
Weight: 250, Height: 63 inches, Age:34

Need a deficit of 
3500*3= 10,500/week
10,500 / 7=1500/day

Calorie goal of 1500/day 
2416-1500= -916/day

  Meals *Made within clean eating guidelines*
  1-300 cal.-Breakfast sandwich

  2-200 Ricotta cheese, small apple 

  3-300- Salad w/ homemade ranch dressing

  4-300 - Energy Bars

Whatever dinner I've planned 

All that doesn't seem like a lot but when you are also drinking
120 ounces of's plenty :)
120 ounces (1/2 body weight in ounces)

Calorie burn of /day = -584/day

40 minute treadmill
(3mph, 6% incline)  =459

10 minutes stretching = 48
15 minutes Yoga= 71 
10 crunches =6

Boom I made all those above for Brian and I for the entire week 
(except Brian likes greek yogurt and 2 hard boiled eggs instead of the ricotta and apple)

Now onto organizing my house.....That's way less exciting sounding ;)

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Happy Before-Valentines Day :)

Unless they are made of chocolate.

The house is infested with sickies.

It was just.....

Then it turned into real fevers, sore throats, stomach aches, etc.

They made it through Valentine's parties at school and then dropped and were kind enough
to share with me.  Aww so nice.

Ethan and Mauryn's class valentines.

Ethan said all his classmates opened theirs up immediately and bounced them everywhere.
Great....I'm sure his teacher appreciated that.

I was also a head party parent...imagine that lol.
I thought it would be cute to make valentines and fold them into paper airplanes 
because Pinterest made them look so cute and unique.

Mauryn's teacher might not have appreciated airplanes flying everywhere.  :/

Brian told me they are going to put up flyers up around school with my face and a big slash through it.

One good thing about being sick it you lose weight, it's an unpleasant way to do it but I'm down 3 lbs.

Woot, woot, oww.

Tonight, if I can stomach it we are having

Mahi Mahi and asparagus risotto.

Mmmm amazing colored yumminess.

Of course what I really want is chocolate flavored NyQuil.
Get on that Vicks  ;)

Monday, February 10, 2014

I am ready

I am ready to get back to this.  I think I overwhelmed myself.  

I so want to 

But it's hard to so I'm going to try to learn to

Week 1:

Meal planning for the week--Check

One really cool energy bar recipe--Check

These are really good and I will definitely make them again.
I will also make a lot of variations.
Maybe add protein powder and ease up on the coconut oil?

Workout Schedule planned out--Check
I have my treadmill up and "running" 
My plan is to try a schedule of 30 in the morning/afternoon/evening.
I eventually want to build up to 1 1/2 hrs early in the morning.


I know right?
Something to work towards though.

I also want to organize all the things!
My house first.
That should probably last until the end of time.

In other news.....
Olivia now has her talker--(her IPAD with a great app)!  
It is matching to her one at school so she can talk about her day and 
use it consistently with what she works on at school.

I will have to post a video of her "talking".
She is VERY good with it.  For instance she asked word-for-word....
"I want hamburger, french fries, Dr Pepper at McDonalds, Mama"
Not kidding!  It was so cool. Although we'll need to switch that to healthier choices 
BUT who cares right now!!
For anyone who know Olivia this is a major step for all of us.

So proud Liv!!