Friday, June 20, 2014

Ta da! I'm back at it.

I am so "Consistently Inconsistent" 

It's really aggravating.  I have about a million ideas & well-meaning plans but often when I start them, another idea forces itself in and the original falls out.  So onto the next.  I've got the worst short-term memory--that I come by honestly ;)

This is me...

I am Dug.  

Of course it irritates my husband to no end :). As he is an electrical engineer......for anyone married to one no further explanation needed right?  For anyone else--he's the complete opposite.  Very by the book, very schedule dependent is he.  Things have to be in the exact same spot every single day.  Even crazier he expects his clothes to be in his dresser rather than between 12 baskets spread about the house ALL THE TIME!  Enough about that ;)  

So in an effort to organize my mind tornado I'm going to initiate a rotating habit program.

Here's where I shine....the planning.  I can plan like no other but executing said plan ends up in fiery crashes every time.  But what about a plan about how to make following the plan the actual plan?  

I've also changed career ideas.  I'm getting my own at-home business up and running to launch January 2015.
I only have one investor and he's very skeptical of my follow-though ability so for the next 6 months I am going to develop myself into the person I know am.  The one that just doesn't make it too far outside my thought process.

My program.....Make 1 habit, Break 1 habit.
(lightly using my nursing education & basing it on Maslows Hierarchy of Needs)

Days 1-21
(Since it takes 21 days to create a habit, or so it's been said)

(Bedtime = 9:30pm-5:30am)

In addition to this I'm also developing a plan to lose weight while still eating clean, real food.
I'll save that for another day :). I'll get too excited and not sleep!

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